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18 August 2017 0 Training

Crunches, sit ups, and oblique curls – these are what comes to mind when discussing ab exercises. However, there are other types of training that can help you get a flat stomach, so today I’m discussing static exercise options.

Static exercises are done by contracting your muscles and holding them contracted, without them moving. Static, seems like an odd term to use when describing exercise. However, static contractions involve muscles exerting movement without the joints and ligaments moving far. Think of bench pressing heavy weight only a few inches off of the chest rather than extending all the way up into a locking position.

Muscles still contract even though the range of motion gets reduced exponentially. Research and multiple studies have shown that athletes increased both muscle strength and endurance through static contraction training

Here are three static exercises for abs:

Stomach Vacuums: stand or sit with your back straight. Take a deep breath and then exhale all the air from the lungs. Suck your stomach and hold it for 20 seconds or more. Make sure not to bend it back and keep your stomach muscles tight.

Plank: This classic exercise is usually performed at the end of your workout session. Get into the plank position, resting on your forearms instead of hands. By holding this position, with straight back and neck, you'll get a great workout. A variation of this is the side plank, resting on one arm and one leg to work the waist and obliques.

Legs up: lay on the floor with your legs straight, then lift your feet off the ground about 5 cm. By holding this position for 20 seconds then gently lower. This targets the lower abs. Make sure to keep the lower back closely connected to the floor.

Try adding these three exercises to the end of your workout, doing 6-8 reps of each and get those abs ready for summer!

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