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18 September 2017 0 Exercise
Time to throw out the fitness excuses

Spring is the time for out with the old and in with the new. Whatever your excuses for not being fitter and healthier it’s time to ditch them and come clean.

What is your excuse to not choosing health?

I don’t have time

Many of us have found ourselves simply “too busy” to exercise outside of work and everything else we need to do. To break this cycle you need to schedule your exercise just like you would an important meeting.

Write in your diary like an appointment when you are going to exercise. You need to create the space in the day to exercise, and by writing it down it makes it real and you can prepare for it.

I don’t like exercise

Lots of people don’t like to exercise, but they make themselves do it anyway. The key is to make it fun and something you enjoy. And if you’re really struggling, pre pay and pre book it so you’re not just committed time wise but financially as well.

Its bad weather

Weather is a great excuse to cancel fitness plans. However if you arrange to meet a friend or a personal trainer you will feel accountable to go, no matter rain or shine.

I don’t have the energy
If you are unfit or haven’t worked out in a while you may have low energy. The last thing you’ll feel like is exercising. Although it may be hard to get started, once you are more active you’ll feel more active and you’ll have more energy. Start moving and you’ll feel better mentally and physically.

The first step with excuses is to decide to stop hiding behind them and let them go. Even the fit and healthy have excuses but that doesn’t stop them – they just decide, commit and push through it. With excuses out of the way you can get used to feeling energetic, strong and healthy instead!


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