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16 March 2016 0 Training, Well-being
Exercise: Some Motivation Required

In the beginning of every self-improvement program, there is commitment and excitement about the possibilities.  But as the days pass and the changes in your routine stop being new and exciting, your motivation can quickly deteriorate as your attention wanders and you consider giving yourself a break from the program.  This is the stage that determines if you will fail or succeed in reaching your goals.


There are several techniques you can use to overcome decreased motivation.  Start your program with clear goals and then keep those goals in front of you.  You can tape a picture on your refrigerator of that dream vacation you’re taking next summer or the results of your last doctor’s visit.  Keeping these types of items out in the open where you can see them will keep your goals visible and a consistent reminder of why you are working so hard.


Accomplishment can be a significant motivator.  Track your progress throughout the program.  As you reach each milestone, set the next goal.  You can also reward your progress with a massage or a trip to the movies.  The point is to keep your accomplishments exciting to continuously stimulate your motivation.


If your motivation is wavering, it may be a sign you are growing bored with your routine.  You can regenerate your interest with change.  If you have been working out on a treadmill, then switch it up and walk around the block.  Replace your cardio work out with some weight training exercises.  Change will help you keep a balanced exercise program and keep your mind interested.


By accepting that decreased motivation is a stage in every self-improvement program and planning ways to overcome it, you will significantly increase your chances of succeeding in accomplishing your goals.


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