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13 April 2017 0 Exercise, Nutrition

The Easter holidays can represent a challenge for many on fitness journeys. Eating, drinking and socialising goes up, and our activity levels tend to go down. But this doesn't have to be the case.

We suggest you make allowances for the fact that it's Easter and that things are going to be different. Have a glass of water for every glass of alcohol, watch out for high-calorie mixers with drinks and say no to salty nibbles.

Many people head away over the Easter break, which can actually present a great opportunity to mix up your routine a little.

Consider choosing a few new activities you're keen on and giving them a go. Be adventurous.

There are also things you can do on your own, such as introducing intervals into your favourite form of cardio. For every 50 metres that you move at your usual speed, do 25 metres at double speed, slow down, and repeat. If you've only got 10 minutes, get out the skipping rope, do jumping jacks or run on the spot. Wherever you are, just modify your routine for your location - and have fun.

Take a weight off

If you've only got 15 minutes to work out, make it a strength session. If you do it at a rapid pace you're also getting your heart rate up. Set up a circuit with dumbbells (throw them in the boot with your suitcase) and body-weight exercises.

Try 10 reps of each of these, moving quickly between three sets:

Dumbbell squats: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell in front of your chest. Slowly lower your bottom down, until your knees are bent and your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold, then raise and repeat.

Dumbbell lunges: Stand with legs shoulder-width apart, hold a dumbbell in your left hand, and step forward with your right leg, lowering your left knee towards the floor. Bring your leg back to the starting position and repeat nine times before swapping sides.

Shoulder raises: Hold a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing inwards. Stand with your feet comfortably apart. Relax your elbows and slowly raise your arms to shoulder height. Pause, lower and repeat.

Push-ups: Lie face-down on an exercise mat, put your hands under your shoulders and your feet on your toes, and push your body up. Maintain a straight line down your back and your legs.

Tricep dips: Sit on the edge of a bench, hands curled over the edge, beside your hips. Walk your legs out in front of you, feet flat on the floor, and edge your bottom forward. Slowly lower your butt towards the floor, keeping your back straight, and raise. Make sure you feel the burn in your arms.

The plank: Assume a push-up position, but raise your body and hold it for as long as you can - up to one minute. Don't let your hips sag wards the floor, and hold your core tight, pulling up through your pelvic floor for an extra workout.


Above everything, enjoy your holiday!

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