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18 September 2017 0 Nutrition
Spring Clean Your Diet

Spring is well and truly here, and many of us take this opportunity to shed those extra winter kilo’s!

Here are some great tips to help you make a healthy plan of action for the rest of spring.

1. Plan your weekly menu when you’re not in a rush like on a Sunday. Take the time to do a stocktake of your kitchen and the missing bits you need to buy.  

2. Clean out your pantry and cupboards! Throw away junk foods and snacks so the temptation isn’t there.

3. Visit a community or farmers market. Soak up the sunshine while you buy all the fresh fruits and veges that are on offer as well as healthier choices with dried fruits, nuts, milk and other goodies.

4. Did you know that frozen produce can be just as healthy as fresh? Stock your freezer with vegetables and fruits to always have healthy options on hand.

5. Try to skip processed meat. Chicken, beef, seafood, and pork are your healthiest options as well as the best for a protein source. 

6. Avoid the calories when it comes to liquids. Select drinks that are low in sugar and use  low-calorie sweeteners if you need to.

7. Try and eat protein with every meal and with snacks. It really helps you with cravings and being hungry. 

8. On a quieter day try pre-cooking some meals which makes it easier to eat well when you’re time poor and busy.  

Eating and nutrition is an area of day to day life that is tied to time and budgets, however it doesn’t need to be expensive or time-consuming to eat healthy. Once you start on a new eating regime it will become easier and easier and you’ll be feeling summer ready in no time!


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